
GoCutty is a tool I wrote that helps with website crawling. It does the following steps:

  • Runs a gobuster directory enumeration scan

  • Runs cuttycapt and takes webpage screenshots using the gobuster output

  • Then creates an HTML page for you to quickly open and view the tooling output of webpages in the site.

#Created by Prescott Rowe
#Usage: ./script.sh
echo "-------Gobuster meets cutycapt-----"
echo "Your files will be in the gocuty folder. Also make sure to edit the gobuster command on line 11 to your preference."
echo "Enter your target URL/IP:"

read scan
echo "Scanning $scan:"
rm -r gocuty/ 2>/dev/null
mkdir gocuty

gobuster dir -t 50 -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt -x .txt,.php,.html,.yml -u $scan -e | tee ./gocuty/found.txt;
echo "<HTML><BODY><BR>" > ./gocuty/gocuty.html
for url in $(cat ./gocuty/found.txt |grep "Status: 200\|Status: 204\|Status: 301\|Status: 302\|Status: 307\|Status: 403" |cut -d" " -f1);do
	cutycapt --url=$url --out=./gocuty/$i.png
	echo "<b>"$url":</b> <BR><IMG SRC=\""$i"".png"\" width=600 border="6"><BR><BR><BR>" >> ./gocuty/gocuty.html
echo "</BODY></HTML>" >> ./gocuty/gocuty.html

Sample output:

Also prints the fetched URL now

CuttyCapt Alone Ex:

cutycapt --url=www.aa.com --out=aa.jpeg --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Linx; Android 4.4.2; SAMSUNG-SM-G900A Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Geko) Chrome/45.0.2454.94 Mobile Safari/537.36"

Last updated